About Us
Animal Friends of Wyoming County is a 501(c)3 non-profit community organization made up of Wyoming County, NY, residents with a strong desire and passion to help out animals. Our main goal is to promote Animal Health Awareness as well as simultaneously promoting the Wyoming County Animal Shelter. AFWC raises funds and creates programs to help and care for unwanted dogs at the animal shelter. AFWC was organized and created by a Board of Directors, each using their God-given gifts, talents and abilities to contribute to the overall goal. Directors communicate and work to organize programs, events and promotional material to bring together the community to care for lost or abandoned strays in the county. Though AFWC is a completely separate entity from the Wyoming County Animal Shelter, their goals are similar: to educate our local community and save abandoned dogs. AFWC is proud to have such a loving community to work with. Because of volunteers, members and residents, programs such as Spay Our Stray and Pets For Vets are possible through contributions. Thank you!
Meet the Board of Directors for Animal Friends
Meet the Staff at the Wyoming County Animal Shelter
Justa Goodell
Daryl Klump
Have a Question?
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For the Shelter |
What kind of Community Based Services & Programs Does Animal Friends of Wyoming County Provide?
Animal Friends of Wyoming County was created not only to tend to the well-being of the homeless dogs at the Wyoming County Animal Shelter, but also to encourage Wyoming County residents to get involved in the community. Programs such as the P.U.P.P.I.E.S. Program are intended to do such that. Educating and bringing awareness to animal neglect and animal cruelty is also a striving point within the organization.
How can i get more involved with animal friends?
The best way to get involved with Animal Friends is
How long does a dog have to stay at the Wyoming county animal shelter before it is available for adoption?
In short, (7) 24 hour business days. After a dog is picked up by the Animal Control Officer or surrendered to the Animal Shelter, the dog remains at the Shelter for at least (7) 24 hour business days so the owner has some time to redeem his/her pet. During this time Animal Friends of Wyoming County posts a photo with a brief description on their 'Dogs for Adoption' page on the website, Facebook and Instagram. Once the (7) 24 hour business days are up, the dog is evaluated "For Adoption".